Add Trim Level to Your Saved Searches

July 8, 2024




Add Trim Level to Your Saved Searches

ACV facts & figures

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In this quick 1-minute video, we walk you through how to add Trim Level to your Saved Searches.  A new feature we just recently added.  This will make your Saved Searches even more precise if you are looking for specific Trim levels. 

If you prefer reading, scroll on for a summary.

  • Go to Saved Search and hit Create New. 
  • Pick your Make and Model. 
  • Select Trim Level 
Car dealer auction platform search and filter options.

Video Transcription:

Hey, what's going on? Wanted to show you guys a new feature under Saved Search where you can actually save by trim level as well. 

So the first thing you want to do is you want to go to Save Search and hit Create New. You want to pick your make and model. I'll just pick Ford and pick F-150. And now you'll see something new come up here. You'll see trim, right? And if you're looking for a specific trim of a vehicle, you can now just select which one you're looking for specifically. So you'll get served up just those trim levels in your saved search. So if you're looking for the Harley Davidson Trim, or potentially the King Ranch one, you can save  those. And then if any inventory matches those parameters, you'll get it with that trim level as well. So it should make your saved searches even more precise and save you time with what comes to your phone or your email.