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As you work towards opening your dealership in Missouri, you’ll need to cross the first bridge: getting approved for a license. This process varies in each state, so even a seasoned businessperson will need to pay close attention to the requirements. We’ve put together a guide to help you through the process to ensure your application submission is accurate and smooth.
Instructions for Getting Your Missouri Dealer License
1. Find Out Which Type of License You Need
Each state distinguishes license types differently, and in Missouri, there are four options1:
- Motor vehicle dealer (includes all new vehicles with no specification about the make, as well as RVs)
- Franchised new motor vehicle dealer (new vehicle dealers through the franchise of a particular make)
- Wholesale motor vehicle dealer
- Used motor vehicle dealer (used vehicles of any kind)
Identifying which type fits your business plans is the first step to establishing the license application process.
2. Register Your Business Location
In order to open a dealership business in Missouri, you need to have a physical location where you plan to sell the vehicles. This establishment has to meet a specific set of requirements, so we recommend using this list as a guide as you seek a location:
- The building must be permanently enclosed and contain all business documents, including accounting books, records, and files.
- There must be an operating landline phone.
- The property must have a display area that is not a public street, with enough space to display all of the dealership’s vehicles. It must be visible from the street and used for no other purpose.
- The establishment must have a clear and visible sign that features the name of the dealership with letters that are at least 6 inches tall.
- During regular business hours, the dealership must be open with the owner easily contacted. The hours of operation must be at least 20 hours per week spread over at least four business days between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., and the specific hours must be publicly listed and displayed.
This location will have to undergo an inspection before you are granted a license, so ensure it meets all requirements in advance to avoid complications and delays.
3. Gather Documents and Proof of Your Location
For each license, you need to submit Form 4682. Note that if you are applying for multiple types of dealer licenses, you will need to fill out a separate version of the form for each one. Alongside the form, you must submit a photograph of the business location, lot, and sign (with dimensions of 5x7 to 8x10). Lastly, if it’s a franchise dealership, include a franchise agreement as proof.
4. Get an Auto Dealer Bond and Liability Insurance
In Missouri, you’ll only need to pay a small portion of the actual auto dealer bond amount, and this portion will depend on factors like your personal credit. The total bond amount required is $25,000.
In terms of insurance, you have to provide proof of a garage liability insurance policy.
5. Complete a Criminal Background Check
This step can be completed with the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Missouri Automated Criminal History Site. On the online portal, you can opt for a criminal background check for $13. Print out a copy of the confirmation to submit with the rest of your dealer license application.
6. Complete the Dealer's Training Course
Missouri requires all potential dealers to complete an education course. You can take the course from a list of approved options including the Missouri Independent Automobile Dealers Association. Be sure to print out confirmation of your attendance to submit with your application.
7. Pass Your inspection and get a certificate
In order for your application to be approved, your location will need to pass an inspection. Arrange for this through the Department of Transportation and Public Works or the Missouri Highway Patrol (depending on the county where you are opening a business). This inspector will then provide a certificate of inspection if you pass, which you can submit with your application2.
8. Submit the Application and Pay the Fees
The Missouri dealer application fee is $150, plus $50 for the first four dealer plates and an additional $10.50 for each additional plate.
You can send your application to:
Motor Vehicle Bureau
Dealer Licensing Section
P.O. Box 43
Jefferson City, MO 65105-0043
This is not intended as legal advice. If you have questions about dealer licensing requirements, please seek the assistance of legal counsel.
ACV Auctions Is Here to Help You With Inventory
Once you have your dealer license in Missouri, get in touch with our team at ACV Auctions to register. Using our online auctioning platform, we can help you fill your lot with cars that match what you’re looking for. Reach out to our team today to learn more.
- JW Surety Bonds. Missouri Auto Dealer License Guide. Retrieved September 12, 2023, from
- How to get a Missouri Auto Dealer License. Retrieved September 12, 2023, from